Coming in 2018: “Howard Zinn, You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train”

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Media Burn LogoThe challenge remains. On the other side are formidable forces: money, political power, the major media. On our side are the people of the world and a power greater than money or weapons: the truth. –Howard Zinn, 2004.



Dear Friend of Media Burn:
Howard Zinn dedicated his life to revealing truth to power and advocating for the exploited. We need to pay attention to his teachings now more than ever.
That’s why we’re excited to announce a new historical Media Burn collection of nearly 100 hours footage with many of the 20th century’s most important activists and intellectuals and with Zinn himself. It captures dozens of Zinn’s firebrand speeches, as well as interviews, including Noam Chomsky, David Dellinger, Daniel Ellsberg, Tom Hayden, Staughton Lynd, Studs Terkel, and Alice Walker.
The videos were produced by acclaimed documentarians Deb Ellis and Denis Mueller as part of their 2004 feature film, Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral On A Moving Train.
All of this footage will be available online for public use through Media Burn’s archive in 2018. The collection will be a revolutionary new tool for educators, researchers, filmmakers, organizers, students, and the general public to engage with social justice. Beyond that, we hope to create direct educational applications as well as public events showcasing the materials.
This year, with your support, our videos were seen by nearly two million people. They screened in theaters and galleries in France, Spain and New York, as well as laptops and phones everywhere from India to Saudi Arabia to Italy to Brazil. They were remixed as music videos by youth in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago and used in an upcoming theatrical feature documentary about Jane Fonda. Some of the most important viewers have been school children who get to see a smart, democratic, and more hopeful vision of civic life. 
Your tax-deductible year-end contribution will enable us to completely digitize and make available the Howard Zinn collection, as well as to create educational and public programming surrounding the materials.
Thank you.  We need your help now… as much or more than ever.
Tom and Sara

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(312) 964-5020 |