5/18/19: Kids event: make a video time capsule!

Media Burn Archive works to preserve important videos so they’ll be able to be watched far into the future. At the Video Time Capsule Workshop, families will be able to preserve their own memories and create a special message for their future selves! You’ll work together to write and produce video time capsules, explore kids videos from different eras, learn about the ways videos used to be made, and showcase your creativity with a Polaroid craft. The Video Time Capsule Workshop is best suited for K-8 students and their caretakers. We encourage you to bring along a special item to showcase in your time capsule! Drop by any time between 1:00-3:00, and expect to stay for 30-45 minutes.

What: Video Time Capsule Workshop, part of Remake Learning Days Chicago
When: May 18th, 1-3pm, drop by any time and stay for 30-45 minutes
Where: Media Burn, 865 N Sangamon, Suite 405 Chicago IL 60642
Who: kids K-8 and their caregivers
Cost: free!

This event is part of Remake Learning Days Chicago. Imagine thousands of Chicago families exploring hands-on learning by tinkering with 3D printers, creating indoor vertical gardens from recycled 2-liter bottles, and broadcasting community solutions through podcasts. The world is changing. As it changes, our youth won’t just read about civic engagement, they will be restoring democracy. They won’t just be entering data, they will be inventing algorithms.

In May of 2019, the Chicago Learning Exchange (CLX) will turn imagination into reality by creating the city’s first annual future-ready learning festival entitled, Remake Learning Days Chi (RLD Chi). From May 16 – 19, CLX and founding partners—WTTW Chicago, Chicago STEM Pathways Cooperative, Chicago City of Learning and EvanSTEM—will turn our global city into an open and dynamic learning laboratory with more than 100 hands-on learning opportunities in schools, museums, libraries, parks, and community centers across Chicago and neighboring Evanston.



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(312) 964-5020 | info@mediaburn.org