“That is what I think family values are all about. Love.”
-Studs Terkel
This Sunday, June 26th, marks the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling, Obergefell vs. Hodges, which guaranteed the fundamental right to marry to same-sex couples throughout the United States. This decision is the culmination of decades of activism, and is an important moment for human rights, especially for the couples and families directly affected all across the country.
Throughout June, gatherings, marches and protests occur across the country to celebrate LGBT pride month, reflect on the progress that has been made and spark awareness about the inequality and injustices still faced by members of the LGBT community.
Throughout Studs Terkel’s life (1912-2008), he championed social justice. In celebration of Pride Month and marriage equality, we have Studs recounting the tale of two lesbian women and their touching love story.
The Chicago Pride Parade is this Sunday, June 26, in Lakeview. To get you into the spirit, enjoy Gay For a Day, a music and costume filled portrayal of the 1976 Gay Pride Parade by filmmaker Tom Palazzolo.
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