We’re thrilled that the National Endowment for the Arts has finalized their commitment to Media Burn of $15,000 through the Art Works program. Art Works supports the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts.
As part of our project, we have selected two Artists-in-Residence for 2018:
Nancy Buchanan is a video artist who helped produce the LA-based Message to the Grassroots TV program with community organizer Michael Zinzun.
Barry Dolins helped found the Chicago Blues Festival and has a collection of live blues performances. It’s a new model that will enhance the reach of our collections and the services we offer to artists.
You can read more here.
We’re really excited to begin this project, but we need your help. The NEA grant covers less than 1/3 of the total project cost of $48,000. Costs include: artist stipends, artist travel, venue rentals, hard drives, honoraria for speakers at public events, closed captioning for ADA-compliance, tape restoration, and digitization.
Please donate now.
Even with our history of success with government and foundation grants, Media Burn continues to be dependent on people like you who understand the value of our work.
Since Media Burn is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, contributions are tax-deductible. If you have questions about the project or how to donate, please contact us.
Thank you for critical role you play.
Sara Chapman
Executive Director
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