Media Burn honored by Save America’s Treasures program

We are very proud to announce that Media Burn has been honored with a $79,000 federal grant from the Save America’s Treasures program to preserve and make available one-of-a-kind documentary footage of the 1992 presidential election and the U.S. senatorial election in Illinois.

Bill Clinton speaks, prays, and sings at St. Paul Church of God in Christ on Chicago’s South SideCarol Moseley-Braun gets a hug after her historic Senate upset. Clinton strategist George Stephanopoulos, 31, in a behind-the-scenes conversation in Kansas City during the debate preparation process.
Rahm Emanuel works the phones in Chicago looking for campaign contributions.Hillary Clinton celebrates at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago after an early victory in the critical Illinois primary. James Carville talks strategy in his hotel room in St. Louis prior to the debate. RichardMDaley1992

The Save America’s Treasures program provides funding for the protection of our nation’s endangered and irreplaceable cultural heritage. Each grant requires a dollar-for-dollar match of private monies. For a complete list of funded projects, see the press release from the President’s  Committee on the Arts and Humanities.

The Media Burn Archive holds the largest single collection of documentary footage of the 1992 election cycle–over 450 hours of footage. The 120 videotapes chosen to be preserved include behind-the-scenes footage of then-Governor Bill Clinton’s early campaigning with his wife Hillary, and dozens of hours with Clinton’s strategic team, including James Carville, Rahm Emanuel, Dee Dee Myers, George Stephanopoulos, and David Wilhelm. The footage also documents the campaigns of President George H.W. Bush, Gov. Jerry Brown, Sen. Paul Tsongas, H. Ross Perot and the election of Carol Mosley Braun to the United States Senate.

The videos were produced by some of the best independent videomakers in the country, including Diane Abt, Appalshop, Jay April, Jules Backus, Andrea Be, Eddie Becker, Skip Blumberg, Nancy Cain, Joel Cohen, Patrick Creadon, Laura Flanders, Aaron Freeman, Steve Golden, Laurel Greenberg, Bob Hercules, Judy Hoffman, Scott Jacobs, Andrew Jones, Robbie Leppzer, Jeffrey Lerer, Norman Lippman, Jim Morrissette, Jim Mulryan, Carolyn Rogalski, Eve Saxon, Bill Stamets, Starr Sutherland, TVTV, Megan Vidis, Tom Weinberg, Suzy Wehling, Bart Weiss, Joe Wilson, and others.

We’re very excited to begin digging through the collection to see what treasures we may find! Celebrate our win as Bill, Hillary, Rahm Emanuel, and David Wilhelm celebrated theirs at the Palmer House on March 17, 1992:



  1. Joe Kowalewski says:

    Congratulations! This is wonderful news. I couldn’t be happier for all of you. Tom, Sara, if you need an intern for awhile each week, I have the rest of the semester off. Hope all is well!

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