New Happenings at MediaBurn!

Things have been on the up and up at MediaBurn recently. Not long ago, through a generous grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, we were able to have a group of our oldest and most vulnerable 1/2″ reel-to-reel videotapes restored and transferred by the talented people at Specs Bros. The first batch includes raw footage from the The Image Union documentary “Five Day Bicycle Race.” The tapes contain hours of footage from in and around the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. The program aired nightly and ran on Manhattan Cable Channel 10 for the entirety of the convention.

Rich in its cultural and historical value, the footage showcases the numerous personal stories of visiting delegates, impassioned protesters, and New York City natives amidst a climate of social and political uncertainty. The tapes also feature interviews and footage of several high profile politicians and celebrities such as Jimmy Carter, Rosalyn Carter, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Bella Abzug, Adlai Stevenson III, Chevy Chase, and many many more. They have already been uploaded into our database and can be found on our website.

We also ventured into the wild world of MySpace and Facebook in hopes to widen our demographic and open up our doors to newer viewers interested in the bounty of knowledge and historical relevance our archive has to offer. You can find us by clicking on the following links:

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And on MySpace

And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to see edited clips of some of our most exclusive footage.


Stay tuned for more frequent updates in the future!

-Mediaburn Archive



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