Patrick Creadon and Tom Palazzolo salute Media Burn

We’ve been telling you a lot about why we think Media Burn is special. But don’t just take our word for it: today, you can hear from two of our favorite people.

Patrick Creadon is an accomplished documentary director. He is best known today for his critically-acclaimed films Wordplay and I.O.U.S.A., but his first job out of college was for the FITV-produced series The 90’s, which he credits as helping to shape his career.

Tom Palazzolo has been making offbeat independent films ever since he came to Chicago in the 1960s. Chicago is a frequent subject in his films, which often focus on the small rituals and pageantries of everyday American life. A number of his works are preserved in the archive.

Also: tune in to hear Tom on Rick Kogan’s “After Hours” program this Sunday, September 21 from 9–11pm on WGN!



Join the party!
Buy your tickets now for a reduced price.

Unique rooftop attractions: old-time video, video ball drop, “Little Studs Terkels,” fantastic auction items, and more!

WHERE: rooftop/tenth floor, Wabash-Randolph parking garage (20 E. Randolph)

ADMISSION: $75 advance, $100 at the door, $25 for attendees under 25.

Includes great food, beer & wine, and validated parking.

Buy your tickets today!

entertainment coordinated by Paul Durica and Nick Fraccaro

delicious food by Sauce and Bread Kitchen

beer/wine courtesy of Haymarket Brewery and Nisei Lounge.



Thea Flaum & Robert Hill * Gordon Quinn

Mary Ann Childers * Jonathan & Lisa Flaum * Peter Grosz * Bob Hercules * Lucy & Ken Lehman * Susan & Nick Pritzker * Michael Prussian * Robert Riesman * Alison Flaum & Paul Schulman * Tom Weinberg



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(312) 964-5020 |