What do immigrants expect of America, and how does it differ from their home countries? Videomaker Skip Blumberg asks applicants for citizenship at a New York immigration office in “Waiting for the American Dream”:
If you want to watch the full version at Media Burn, click here.
This video blog was inspired by Act 2 of an episode of This American Life, “True Urban Legends.” “Fleeing is Believing” starts at 35:32.
In 1991, the U.S. opened a one week window to receive applications for a Visa lottery through the U.S. Postal Service. They received over 23 million applications. Check out Eddie Becker’s video of the mayhem that followed in this episode of The 90’s.
And in this video from 1977, Valjean McLenighan interviews two of her relatives about their experiences immigrating from Poland, and the disillusionment they felt after they arrived.
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