We don’t care when*

*Today, tomorrow, whenever… Media Burn needs your support all the time!

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(Scott Strazzante/Chicago Tribune)

(Scott Strazzante/Chicago Tribune)

Dear Friend of Media Burn:

Happy new year! 2014… a milestone year for the Media Burn Independent Video Archive. Ten years ago, all we had was a storefront full of videotapes and the knowledge that they were incredibly important and deteriorating quickly.

Since then we have restored, permanently saved, and made freely available more than 2,500 historically significant videotapes, and they have been viewed online in more than 10 million times in 188 countries—remarkable evidence of how valuable and unique Media Burn is!

We have done all this on a shoestring through the dedication of a small group of staff, volunteers, and a growing network of contributors. None of our success would have been possible without your support. Together, we’ve come a long way and accomplished a lot, but we still need your help.

We have big plans for the next ten years, and we want you to continue to be a part of it.

We wish you a healthy, challenging, and fun new year.

And thanks!

Tom WeinbergSara Chapman

Make your tax-deductible contribution now at:




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Copyright © 2023 Media Burn Archive.
Media Burn Archive | 935 W Chestnut St Suite 405 Chicago IL 60642
(312) 964-5020 | info@mediaburn.org