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  • [The 90s -] Hummingbirds and Health Care Worker’s Strike

    [The 90s -] Hummingbirds and Health Care Worker’s Strike

    This is raw camera footage shot by Skip Blumberg for the TV show The 90s. This particular video shows a home care worker’s strike and a brass band called The Hummingbirds playing performing at the demonstration.

  • Hate Mail

    Hate Mail

    A discussion of race and racism on call-in KLIF talk radio in Dallas, TX.

  • [Robert Sandifer murder case #2]

    [Robert Sandifer murder case #2]

    0:00 Jones continues to shoot in the viaduct where Sandifer was killed. He runs in to a few people who are checking out the murder scene and gets some good commentary on the incident, gangs, and the boy’s life. One man also is able to explain some of the subtleties hidden in the gang symbols.

  • The 90’s, episode 302: It’s Only TV

    The 90’s, episode 302: It’s Only TV

    Episode 302 of the award winning series, The 90’s. This episode is called “IT’S ONLY TV” and features the following segments:

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #18]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #18]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Footage from one of actress Sally Kirkland’s “press” parties. Kirkland and “Making It” director Frank Cavestani interview various actors and show business people about struggling in Hollywood. Those interviewed include musician Dr. John, and actors Marya Small and Kristine DeBell.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #39]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #39]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. In this tape, actress Sally Kirkland discusses her financial difficulties. This is followed by b-roll footage of movies stars’ homes, and of cars on a freeway.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #56]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #56]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Cissy Colpitts (now Cisse Cameron), an aspiring actress, meets with a casting director from 20th Century Fox Studios. She gives Colpitts a script to review, so that she can audition. After this, the casting director talks to “Making It” director Frank Cavestani about a part that actress Sally Kirkland auditioned for, but didn’t get, explaining why Kirkland was not cast. She also talks about how she got her start in show business (through her parents) and how many people who work in the business get breaks because of family connections.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #69]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #69]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business.

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