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  • Media Burn at realeyz.tv

    Media Burn at realeyz.tv

    Media Burn is now part of realeyz.tv, an exciting new online community for film lovers. Based in Berlin, their focus is on creating community and dialogue about independent film. We’re excited to be a part of it. Please check out our collection at realeyz.

  • Why we’ll miss Mayor Daley

    Why we’ll miss Mayor Daley

    This week, writer David Murray spoke with Media Burn about what Chicago’s losing as Mayor Daley completes his 22 years in office. If you didn’t catch it already, he wrote a great article about the lives of politicians after leaving office for the Chicago Reader. Our favorite is his Huffington Post article about Media Burn called “How to Go From Jamoke to Chicagoan in Under 40 Minutes.” David Murray is a writer based in Chicago; he blogs about his work and his life at Writing Boots. [youtube=http://youtu.be/PJu5BTeD7II]

  • Happy May Day! Studs Remembers Haymarket

    Happy May Day! Studs Remembers Haymarket

    At Haymarket Square in 1996, Studs Terkel remembers the activists who won American workers the right to the eight hour day. The video is an excerpt from “Rocking the Boat,” a documentary on the labor movement produced by John de Graaf, Mirko Popadic, and Alan Harris Stein. Watch the full version of “Rocking the Boat” at Media Burn. Know someone else who would like what we do? Send them this link to sign up for our email list.

  • It’s a Living: a documentary inspired by Studs Terkel’s Working

    It’s a Living: a documentary inspired by Studs Terkel’s Working

    It’s a Living Produced through Videopolis by Skip Blumberg, Paul Challacombe, Joel Gold, Judy Hoffman, Anda Korsts, Jim Mayer, Jack McFadden, Tom Shea, Tom Weinberg, and Jim Wiseman 1975 It’s A Living was the first locally produced independent videotape broadcast on Chicago television, airing May 9, 1975 on WTTW. More than a dozen video pioneers worked together with Studs Terkel to make an insightful television program about everyday people that was unlike anything that had been broadcast before. It’s A […]

  • Great Men, Division Street

    Great Men, Division Street

    Jerry Blumenthal presents his video, “Great Men, Division Street.” In honor of Kenneth Green’s book, “I’m From Division Street,” old friends from 1950s Humboldt Park reunite at Manny’s in 2010. Watch this video at Media Burn for more information about the “great men.”

  • Paul Nadler and David Halberstam on the economy

    Paul Nadler and David Halberstam on the economy

    Media Burn presents two prescient economic predictions from THE 90’s that are as true today as they were nearly 20 years ago. First, economist and American Banker columnist Paul Nadler on the savings and loan crisis, a forerunner of our current mortgage crisis. Second, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, historian, and journalist David Halberstam on Republican culpability for the U.S. budgetary deficit. Watch THE 90’s episode MONEY, MONEY, MONEY at Media Burn.

  • Hooray for Hollywood!

    Hooray for Hollywood!

    Making It In Hollywood Directed by Frank Cavestani 1976 This unique documentary is a time capsule of Hollywood in the 1970s and the American obsession with fame. It follows a few of the thousands of people who come to Los Angeles every year to “make it” as actors and actresses — at their day jobs, going to auditions, and waiting for acting work at legendary Schwab’s Drugstore. It tells the story of Cissy Colpitts, a new young face, hoping to […]

  • New and improved mediaburn.org

    New and improved mediaburn.org

    We had a great week working with enthusiastic and talented grad students Kevin Hoxie and Isaac VanDuyn from the University of Michigan’s School of Information. The site is sleeker, more modern, and more fun to use. Don’t miss the revamped home page and dvd store. It’s just the first of many good things to come. Keep checking back as we grow!   Media Burn t-shirts have shipped! We have a limited number left… donate and get yours now!

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Media Burn Archive | 935 W Chestnut St Suite 405 Chicago IL 60642
(312) 964-5020 | info@mediaburn.org