[Chicago Slices raw: Chicago Slices Premiere Party]
Shots of a Chicago City Council meeting. Seen on the tape are Ed Burke, Dick Mell, William Beavers, Dorothy Tillman, and Mayor Richard M. Daley. Also, Mayor Daley calls the Mayor of Phoenix for a bet on who will win the NBA Championship games: Chicago Bulls or Phoenix Suns.
MATT JOHNSON: U of I male cheerleaders throw girls into the air at North Avenue Beach. Here’s My Story. KIM TYRCHA, Minooka female football player. Here’s My Story.
Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a series about everyday life in Chicago. This video is a continuation of footage of a benefit for Community Support Systems, a non-profit organization based in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago. This is followed by Tobi Johnson interviewing members of the Klingon Assault Group at a Star Trek Convention in Harvey, Illinois. She interviews Jerry Murphy, of the group, who says that they put on full Klingon make-up and costume and perform service work in the community. Johnson also follows around a set of twin boys who are new members of the group and tell a bit about the Star Trek fan community and how they are involved in the group.
Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a series about everyday life in Chicago. In this video, we meet Guadalupe Castillo Rossen, John Rossen, Jose Canderas, and Fabiana Cardozo, of an organization called “Community Support Systems,” a non-profit organization based in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago. They are interviewed by Tobi Johnson at an annual fundraising event at their office, and talk about their work in the Mexican-American community in Pilsen, highlighting specific needs, challenges, and rewards of their work.
Interview with Ron and Nancy Pejril, who run the Compu-Erotic Bulletin Board System (CEBBS), chat room focused mainly on sexual topics. We see shots of the computer with messages from the members and hear the Pejrils’ thoughts on electronic dating.
Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a series about everyday life in Chicago. This video features interviews with graffiti artists Anthony Lewellen, Chris Silva, Jesus Rodriquez, Castillo Perez, and Greg Penrice. These five young men created a large mural called “Uriginal Flavor” as part of a contest sponsored by the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA). They display their artwork, which was chosen as the winning piece, in Logan Square and meet with media representatives at the press conference highlighting the contest. They discuss their artwork, the meaning behind it, techniques they use, and the process of creating graffiti art.
CUBA CARAVAN: Organized protest against the blockade of Cuba by the U.S. Volunteers drive trucks from cities in U.S. to Mexico border then to port for boat to Cuba. Interviews with ERIC HAHN, HARALD HAHN, REYNALDO ACOSTA, Caravan Organizer REVEREND LUCIUS WALKER, GISELA and GILDA LOPEZ, JOHN VOTAVA, performances by RAMONE MARINO and JOSE DAVID. Caravan volunteers in Roscoe Village disassemble bicycles, and package up aid to go to Cuba. Then to St. Pious Church in Pilsen for the Caravan send off, dinner, performances, Loading up the trucks. Anecdote by ERIC HAHN about meeting FIDEL CASTRO. Mostly in Spanish.