Home » Chicago » Studs Terkel (Page 2)

  • Remembering Andrew Patner

    Remembering Andrew Patner

    Andrew Patner died suddenly last Tuesday, February 3. He was 55. Andrew had become an old-style Chicago icon, a 21st century version of his dear friend and mentor, Studs Terkel. In this video, produced at the University of Chicago during an Alumni Association event, we get a glimpse of Andrew and Studs together in 2004. After Studs died, Andrew thought it was important that this video be part of Media Burn’s permanent Terkel collection, saying, “It is one of the […]

  • Studs Tells Why It’s “Labor Day”

    Studs Tells Why It’s “Labor Day”

    For many, Labor Day marks the end of summer, the beginning of a new football season, and a new school year. For others, though, it’s a powerful day of solidarity and remembrance. In this video, edited together from several sources over the years, Studs tells a story about a confrontation he had with a well-to-do couple that claimed to loathe labor unions. It’s an entertaining story he clearly relishes, but it also touches on the history of labor in the […]

  • Studs Terkel: The Birth of the Old Town School of Folk Music

    Studs Terkel: The Birth of the Old Town School of Folk Music

    In this 2004 video, Chicago’s one-and-only Studs Terkel talks about the early years of the Old Town School of Folk Music, and his involvement in that history through his friend of many years, Win Stracke, one of the founders of the school. He also discusses the personal and political power of song, Big Bill Broonzy, The Weavers, and much more. Interview by Mark Dvorak, camera and editing by Bob Medich.

  • Studs Terkel at Facets, 3/19/06

    Studs Terkel at Facets, 3/19/06

    Film critic Michael Wilmington interviews Studs Terkel at Facets Cinematheque in Chicago as part of a screening of John Ford’s 1940 “Grapes of Wrath,” an adaptation of John Steinbeck’s book of the same name.

  • [Studs Terkel interviews Buster Keaton]

    [Studs Terkel interviews Buster Keaton]

    This is an interview of the silent movie star, Buster Keaton, by Studs Terkel. They talk about many different parts of Keaton’s career, the movie industry, how it’s changed, and the context behind gags.

  • [Nelson Algren Fountain Dedication]

    [Nelson Algren Fountain Dedication]

    Dedication of the Nelson Algren Fountain in Wicker Park.

  • [Interview with Studs Terkel about Nelson Algren]

    [Interview with Studs Terkel about Nelson Algren]

    Interview with Studs Terkel shot for the documentary “Nelson Algren: The End is Nothing, The Road is All,” produced by Mark Blottner, Ilko Davidov, and Denis Mueller.

  • American Roots Music Chicago

    American Roots Music Chicago

    “American Roots Music: Chicago” provides a history of Chicago blues, jazz, and folk music through archival photographs and film. Several notable musicians, such as B.B. King, Koko Taylor, Pete Seeger, and Jeff Tweedy reflect on what they’ve inherited from their predecessors. Harold Ramis narrates biographical segments on Louis Armstrong, Ma Rainey, Benny Goodman, Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters, the Staple Sisters, Willie Dixon, and Big Bill Broonzy. The documentary also covers the rise of folk and polka in Chicago. Other topics include the Great Migration, the rise of radio and phonograph records, electric musical instruments, the National Barn Dance radio program, and the Old Town School of Folk Music. The documentary ends with a sampling of musical genres and venues active in Chicago.

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