[Sandifer/ Shavon Dean]
Segment on the one-year anniversary of the murder of Shavon Dean.
0:00 Jones continues to shoot in the viaduct where Sandifer was killed. He runs in to a few people who are checking out the murder scene and gets some good commentary on the incident, gangs, and the boy’s life. One man also is able to explain some of the subtleties hidden in the gang symbols.
0:00 Jones goes to Shavon Dean’s house to interview neighbors and friends, including her aunt and cousin. Between interviews, he shoots the shrine that has been erected in front of her house.
00:00 A day after the funeral, at Sandifer’s grave, now covered w/dirt. 01:10 Andrew Jones doing on-camera wrap up. He is giving stats about the cemetery where Sandifer is buried. Says that 90% of the people buried there are under the age of 35; 60% have suffered gunshot wounds. Drugs and violence are the underlying causes of these tragi c stats. 06:00 B-roll footage. Grave diggers digging, cemetery visitors, graves, etc 08:27 Andrew Jones asks people in downtown Chicago what […]