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  • Murder of Fred Hampton, reel 2

    Murder of Fred Hampton, reel 2

    Documentary about the death of Fred Hampton, chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party. The film started out as a simple portrait of Hampton and features lots of footage of his powerful speeches. However, in 1969, Hampton was murdered in his bed at the Panther headquarters by the Chicago police. The event was extremely controversial as the police and the Black Panthers told drastically different versions of the events. The film became instrumental in proving the Panthers’ story that the police broke in to headquarters without warning and killed Hampton without resistance.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Carol Moseley Braun TV ads]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Carol Moseley Braun TV ads]

    Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. This tape covers the 1992 Illinois Senatorial primary between incumbent Alan Dixon, Carol Moseley Braun, and Al Hofeld. Carol Moseley Braun holds a small press conference to unveil her new radio and TV ads, which will air later in the week. She also plays a recorded endorsement from Rev. Jesse Jackson. The press asks her tough but fair questions; Braun is not shaken and responds intelligently. The TV ads are played directly on the tape at the end.

  • [The 90’s raw: Reverend Calvin O. Butts followup]

    [The 90’s raw: Reverend Calvin O. Butts followup]

    Raw footage for The 90’s. Interview with Rev. Calvin O. Butts following up from an interview he gave on tape 11140 about his campaign to stop Philip Morris from advertising cigarettes in low income neighborhoods.

  • [Weekend TV 2-hour special]

    [Weekend TV 2-hour special]

    0:38 Weekend TV opening. People tell what they want to see on TV.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Gerbil Bumper, Oak Street Beach Interview]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Gerbil Bumper, Oak Street Beach Interview]

    ANDREW JONES: Gerbil Bumper from PARKVIEW PET STORE. Oak Street Beach interviews about men on the beach with ANNALISE CUPELLO, and TOYMEKIN WILLIAMS.

  • The 90’s Election Special: It’s Debate-able

    The 90’s Election Special: It’s Debate-able

    “It’s Debate-able” features an inside look at the 1992 presidential debate in St. Louis and the various media tactics the candidates used to their advantage. Segments include video from candidates’ debate prep, spin rooms, satellite tours, and commercials.

  • [Weekend TV short cut]

    0:00 Weekend TV Opening titles and promotional talk. 1:17 A segment by Skip Blumberg on young rollerbladers in downtown Chicago. We see them do tricks on sidewalks, railings, and curbs, and listen to them talk about the thrills of their hobby. We see firsthand the struggles they have trying to find places to skate after a security guard tries to mak e them leave the area. 5:22 Brigid Murphy in Englewood introduces dance group House-O-Matic. Members of House-O-Matic dance on […]

  • [The 90’s raw: Anthony Hughes]

    [The 90’s raw: Anthony Hughes]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Fred Bridges visits artist Anthony Hughes in the notorious housing project Cabrini Green. “Cabrini Green is my home. It’s always been my home. When most people think of Cabrini Green, they think of the drugs and the crime and every other negative thing you can think of. When I think of about it, I think about all the wonderful people who have meant so much to me in my life. …I’m an artist, and what I try to do is to share these people with the world, so that they’ll see that Cabrini Green is more than just the images you see in the media, but is real people. So through my art I try to share these real people with other real people.” He shows us his realistic charcoal drawings of Cabrini Green residents.

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