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  • [None of the Above raw #25]

    [None of the Above raw #25]

    Raw footage for the documentary “None of the Above,” an in-depth ethnographic look at non voters in the U.S. This video is a continuation of footage with non voter Michael Johnson and his family in Chicago.

  • [Robert Sandifer murder case #1]

    [Robert Sandifer murder case #1]

    0:00 Silent B-roll of neighborhood and interviews with passers-by. 12:15 Sound comes in. Jones shoots near The Kohn School, the school attended by the Hardaway brothers (the boys who were accused of killing Sandifer) to find friends and acquaintances who can talk about them. Jones is unable to find an interview subject who can really comment. He later shoots in the tunnel where Sandifer was found dead. The walls are covered in eerie graffiti that often looks like hieroglyphics. 51:30 […]

  • Bongo


    This tape appears to be raw or crudely edited footage (perhaps a very rough cut) from a documentary about the 1992 riots in Los Angeles sparked by the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King. The first 15 minutes are taken up by an interview with Bongo, an African-American artist and business owner in South Central Los Angeles. Bongo’s comments, which are often very passionate and animated, center on the racist mistreatment of African-Americans, particularly African-Americans i n Los Angeles. The remainder of the tape is raw footage shot in Los Angeles following the riots. Most of the shots are of National Guardsmen patrolling the streets on foot and in armored vehicles. These images make Los Angeles look eerily similar to occupied Baghdad.

  • Blues And More, 1/22/94

    Blues And More, 1/22/94

    Blues man Pervis Spann hosts his absurdist comedy show, which also features music videos from blues and R&B artists.

  • Watch It!, episode 104-1

    Watch It!, episode 104-1

    A “video scrapbook” featuring camcorder footage from people around the world. This episode is devoted to the King of Chicago Politics, the late Mayor Richard J. Daley.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Paul Tsongas at Apostolic Church of God #1]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Paul Tsongas at Apostolic Church of God #1]

    Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. No sound until 18:00. Democratic presidential candidate Paul Tsongas makes an appearance at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood. This massive, largely black church is full and busy. Its pastor, Dr. Arthur M. Brazier, was an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement as a founder of The Woodlawn Organization. The service starts around twenty one minutes. Tsongas sits next to Dr. Brazier during the service, awkwardly clapping along to the gospel choir. The most amusing part of the tape occurs at thirty two minutes when Tsongas is unsure of what to do upon receiving the collection plate. Brazier sees him and snatches it away.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Carol Moseley Braun walkathon]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Carol Moseley Braun walkathon]

    Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. This tape covers the 1992 Illinois Senatorial primary between incumbent Alan Dixon, Carol Moseley Braun, and Al Hofeld. Videomaker Diane Abt goes to the Carol Moseley Braun Walkathon in Grant Park in Chicago and then attends a press screening for the senatorial debate.

  • L.A. Riots

    L.A. Riots

    Andrew Jones goes to Los Angeles in the aftermath of the riots of 1992. He speaks with many people about the racial issues that sparked this uprising–the feeling that blacks and Latinos had been systematically discriminated against in their own neighborhoods for years. The main complaint is that stores in their neighborhoods were owned by whites and Koreans and they were overcharged for all services and products. Much of the tension appears to be between the blacks/Latinos and the Korean shop owners. Another interesting feature of the tape is the discussion of the differing motives between rioters and looters and between the actions in different parts of the city. For example, in some areas, only specific businesses, those that were seen as longtime oppressors, were targeted. A man shows footage from his camcorder of the looting, and notes that all of the looters were white, and all were smiling. Clearly, the situation in Los Angeles was far from simple. This tape is a fascinating glimpse into the psychology of the time period.

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