[New York TBS meeting + Goat]
Tom Weinberg records dinner with Skip Blumberg and Clarence Cross, rehashing the day’s earlier meeting with TBS.
Tom Weinberg records dinner with Skip Blumberg and Clarence Cross, rehashing the day’s earlier meeting with TBS.
December 3: screening and discussion with the South Side Home Movie Project and filmmaker Ashley O’Shay.
A super-8 silent film by Chuck Kleinhans portraying his father, Bill Kleinhans.
Home movie of Tom Weinberg and Jodie Procter’s trip to Palm Springs.
Window-dubbed version of Rudy Horn’s home movies, for Will Clinger’s “Vanishing Act: The Vaudeville Era in Chicago.” Horn was a world-renowned juggler. The footage is primarily travel footage from the Western U.S. [Continuation of tape 17313].
Silent home movie footage of a block party in the Bridgeport neighborhood of Chicago sometime in the late ’70s or early ’80s.
This video consists of a tour of Borett Automation, a company that produces and manufactures robots, and looks at some of the video and robotic technology of the time period.