[Puerto Rican Independence Movement Saturday Workshops in Chicago #2]
A Saturday workshop conference held in Chicago for the Puerto Rican Independence Movement
A Saturday workshop conference held in Chicago for the Puerto Rican Independence Movement
KEVIN LAMM, local school board president: Interview about local school board responsibilities, special programs, hopes and dreams for the future. Visit the School Board Meeting, and meet the other members at Brentano School in Logan Square/Avondale.
Animation compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Appeal” by Kevin Dole, “Freedom Is” by Ron Crawford, “Your Astrology for December 13th” by Peter Dakis, “Yo Yo the Clone” by Lillian and J.P. Somersaulter, “Saturday Night Sickness,” “Superman Trailer” by Dick Greenberg, and a series of examples from several animation studios.
Footage for The 90’s Election Specials. In this tape, videomaker Andrew Jones continues to cover South Side politics, visiting the Third Baptist Church, going to a Carol Moseley Braun event at Operation PUSH, and attempting to visit the campaign headquarters of Mel Reynolds.
Andrew Jones shoots his trip hitchhiking across the country, interviewing people along the way.
B-roll footage of Chicago shot for the Weekend TV story on the murder of Robert “Yummy” Sandifer.
AARON FREEMAN: performing “Disguised as an Adult,” his one man play.