Home » Sports » Bill Veeck (Page 18)

  • [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #55]

    [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #55]

    Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man for Any Season.” This tape features some of Bill Veeck’s friends interviewed at Wrigley Field, including Steve Trout, Vince Lloyd, Bob Logan, Harry Caray, and Lou Boudreau.

  • [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #73]

    [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #73]

    Footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man for Any Season.” This tape features footage of Veeck in his garden, followed by some stills of Veeck. Onscreen timecode.

  • [John Mengelt, Dave Nightingale, and Bill Veeck]

    [John Mengelt, Dave Nightingale, and Bill Veeck]

    Two cuts of an informal chat between Dave Nightingale, John Mengelt, and Bill Veeck about baseball and other sports.

  • [Veeck B-Roll Pix Group F]

    [Veeck B-Roll Pix Group F]

    This is a tape of a series of still images and baseball cards shot for a documentary called “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.”

  • [Mary Frances Veeck #3]

    [Mary Frances Veeck #3]

    Audio of interview with Mary Frances Veeck about her husband, Bill Veeck. She discusses Bill and her television/radio shows, publicity, and her experience in the arts. Shot to be used as voiceover in “Veeck: A Man for Any Season.”

  • [Commentary and poem by Bill Veeck #1]

    [Commentary and poem by Bill Veeck #1]

    Raw footage of Bill Veeck doing multiple takes of a commentary and a poem. Veeck seems to determine the general topics and trajectory of his speech and then improvises it on-camera. The first 13 minutes are takes of the commentary, and the last 4 minutes is one read-through of the poem. In the commentary, Veeck talks about the subtle differences in baseball today. He says the players don’t play as well (despite being bigger, faster, stronger, and more educated) because they don’t have the same training players used to get. Veeck values very much the apprenticeships in the minor leagues that used to be so common. They were fundamental, he thinks, because players would learn from their peers–other players who had played the majors for a decade and then moved back down–instead of managers or roving instructors. He says players today make mistakes due to their inexperience. In addition, the game has also suffered due to high player salaries. Veeck says this makes players unwilling to take risks with their “million dollar bodies.” Their attitude has changed: players act like prima donnas instead of just loving the game. The poem is called “Ode to an Agent” or “Advice to an Aging Client.” The poem mocks the aforementioned habit of players who put no heart or energy into the game in the name of business and money.

  • [Inside Spring Training raw #25]

    [Inside Spring Training raw #25]

    Raw footage of Bill Veeck and colleagues in a hotel room during White Sox spring training in Sarasota, Florida. Raw footage for “Inside Spring Training.” Sunday night #1. Motel fever, Cuba talk.

  • Veeck Commentaries, Reel 3.

    Veeck Commentaries, Reel 3.

    Footage of Veeck in different locations talking about various topics, several interviews, music for Veeck specials, and multiple takes of narrator voiceovers. Reel 3.

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