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  • [White Sox fireworks]

    [White Sox fireworks]

    Fireworks at Comiskey Park when the Chicago White Sox played the Detroit Tigers on July 3, 1984. Greg Luzinski, Marck Hill, and Ron Kittle hit home runs.

  • Bulls stink, Portland catches fire

    Bulls stink, Portland catches fire

    Off air recording of a 1978 loss by the Chicago Bulls against the Portland Blazers. Followed by a series of commercials featuring celebrity impersonators.

  • [George Blanda raw #4]

    [George Blanda raw #4]

    Part 4 of 4 of an interview with former NFL player George Blanda, shot for the series “Once A Star.”

  • Veeck: a man for any season rough edit

    Veeck: a man for any season rough edit

    An early edit of a documentary about Bill Veeck, the former owner of several baseball teams including the Chicago White Sox and Cleveland Indians. It follows his career highlights, his life, and his thoughts. Veeck was a unique showman and entrepreneur responsible for many baseball innovations, including fan appreciation days and “give aways.” 

  • Cubs game

    Playoffs 2 of 3

  • Sox ‘ 84

    Lamar Hoyt vs. KC

  • [Saint Paul Saints]

    [Saint Paul Saints]

    Raw footage of opening night for the Saint Paul Saints baseball team, which was co-owned by Bill Murray and Mike Veeck. Mary Francis Veeck throws a pitch before the game starts, Bill Murray coaches first base and jokes with fans, a baby pig carries balls to the players.

  • [Once A Star raw: Bobby and Dennis Hull #7]

    [Once A Star raw: Bobby and Dennis Hull #7]

    This tape is comprised of a short interview segment with hockey legend Bobby Hull, as well as some b-roll of Bobby and brother Dennis Hull skating and shooting around an ice rink. In the interview, Hull gives insight into the fleeting nature of playing on a hockey team, his relationship with his brother Dennis, and his current career in the cattle business. It was shot for the documentary Once A Star.

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