Home » On the Media » Guerrilla TV (Page 22)

  • Media Burn by Ant Farm, 1975 edit

    Media Burn by Ant Farm, 1975 edit

    Original version of Ant Farm’s classic video art piece examining and satirizing the media, particularly the impact of television. On July 4, Independence Day, 1975, what a TV newscaster described as a “media circus” assembles at San Francisco’s Cow Palace Stadium. A pyramid of television sets are stacked, doused with kerosene, and set ablaze. Then a modified 1959 Cadillac El Dorado Biarritz, piloted by two drivers who are guided only by a video monitor between their bucket seats, smashes through the pyramid destroying the TV sets.

    Preceding the event are clips from various TV news broadcasts that covered it (many of the TV reporters make the comment that they “didn’t get it”). The tape includes interviews with invited guests, a speech given by Doug Hall as President John F. Kennedy explaining the message of Media Burn, the dramatic unveiling of the Phantom Dream Car, several sequences of the car smashing through the TV sets, and its triumphant return from the end of the Cow Palace parking lot.

  • [Five Day Bicycle Race raw: Another Day #3]

    [Five Day Bicycle Race raw: Another Day #3]

    This video contains raw footage shot for “Five Day Bicycle Race,” a project comprised of live in-studio commentary and taped edited coverage of the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City. Produced by independent videomakers calling themselves The Image Union (including many members of TVTV and Videofreex), it aired on Manhattan Cable for three hours per night for five days during the convention. This video features Joel Gold performing a piece called “Another Day,” plus some music.

  • Image Union, episode 0001

    Image Union, episode 0001

    Hour long compilation episode of Image Union featuring “TV Magic Ballots” by Nate Herman and Warren Leming, “Assassins” with Joe Mantegna and Jack Wallace, “Chicago Blues” by Jim Passin and Nancy Grosse, work from Jane Veeder, excerpts from “Now We Live On Clifton” by Kartemquin Films, stopmotion animation, an interview by “My Sister’s Cutting Room” during a dog’s birthday party, and “The Bums” by Scott Jacobs and Valjean McLenighan 1976.

    The second half of the episode features “Electronic Masks” by Barbara Sykes, an excerpt from “Paper Roses” by Maxi Cohen and Joel Gold, and “Television Delivers People” by Richard Serra and Carlota Fay Schoolman.

  • Two On Two: Cable TV, Puerto Rico

    Two On Two: Cable TV, Puerto Rico

    Footage taped off TV of the program “Two on Two,” featuring reports on cable tv and on Puerto Rico. Followed by other off air footage related to the Chicago blizzard of 1979.

  • Image Union, episode 0008

    Image Union, episode 0008

    Hour long compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Truthfully Speaking” by Dana Hogdon, “Ricky and Rocky” by Tom Palazzolo, “Movement in Black and White” by Les White, “Spouse Beater” by John Caldwell, “Tablatoons” by Roger Anderson, a segment from The Video News, “Dancing Grain” by Dan Curry, a segment from the TBA Comedy Show, and “35 Years” by Slawomir Kojro.

  • [HS Diploma for Puerto Rican Nationalists]

    [HS Diploma for Puerto Rican Nationalists]

    At the church. Cancel Miranda and others receive high school diploma.

  • Image Union, episode 0009: Women

    Image Union, episode 0009: Women

    Hour long compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Jane Byrne Election Night” by Scott Jacobs with Cindy Neal and Lilly Ollinger,”La Traviata” by Catherine DeJong, “Four Women Over 80” by Max Greenberg, an excerpt from “Two is Better” by Jane Gaines, “Rugby Women” by Eleanor Boyer, a tape from the Community TV Network, “Curtain” by Barbara Laitham, an excerpt from “Self Defense” by Michelle Citron, and “Girls Talk Liberation” by Lilly Ollinger.

  • [The four]

    [The four]

    Tape of some sort of meeting with Puerto Rican community members. The meeting is conducted entirely in Spanish and seems to be mainly geared toward organizing the community against a corrupt school administration and end of American Imperialism.

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