[Chicago City Council meeting 1983]
Reporter Elizabeth Brackett attends a Chicago city council meeting, where she speaks to Jim Houlihan, who was sent the meeting to represent Congressman Harold Washington.
Reporter Elizabeth Brackett attends a Chicago city council meeting, where she speaks to Jim Houlihan, who was sent the meeting to represent Congressman Harold Washington.
This is a compilation of news reports from WGN on a variety of topics, including local Chicago news as well as national news stories.
This short news segment describes Bill Singer’s loss at the 1975 race to become mayor of Chicago, as well as his current campaign for the 1979 mayoral election.
00:00 Niki Tsongas fights her way through a crowd of reporters and supporters to hand out Bush sandwiches (“the baloney’s inside!”). 05:25 Cut to a TV production room at ABC News Chicago, where footage of an election-night speech by George H.W. Bush is playing. Production assistants work to correct the tape for broadcast as Bush implores Chicagoans to reelect him. 19:54 Richard M. Daley reports to his local polling place to cast his vote. 27:59 Stamets interviews Mayor Daley. Daley […]
Samples of Bill Stamets’ political campaign footage. Includes “Primary Visibility,” footage of the 1992 New Hampshire primary shot for THE 90’s; a brief excerpt of “Iowa & Its Presidents,” about the 1988 Caucus; and another excerpt from “The Super-8 Chronicles of Harold Washington” (aka Chicago Politics: A Theatre of Power”). The latter two were as aired on Image Union.
Third and final tape of Stamets’ footage from the 1995 mayoral election. Includes press conference at challenger Roland Burris’s campaign headquarters, Mayor Richard M. Daley casting his vote, and Daley’s victory speech and inauguration.
Assorted footage of the 1995 Chicago mayoral campaign, including a candidate’s panel at the Chicago Urban League, a Marge Laurino campaign event, a press conference in Pilsen, and Mayor Richard M. Daley’s eulogy at Bishop Ford’s funeral.