[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Clinton victory party #2]
Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. At Bill Clinton’s victory party for the Illinois Primary Election in the suite and a ballroom of Chicago Palmer House Hotel.
Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. At Bill Clinton’s victory party for the Illinois Primary Election in the suite and a ballroom of Chicago Palmer House Hotel.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. Senator Paul Tsongas appears at Ann Sather restaurant in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood to speak to the gay and lesbian community. In attendance: Joan Jett Blakk, the Queer Nation’s candidate for President. Videomaker Skip Blumberg mostly just walks around talking to various attendees, who are for the most part quite articulate. Important moments are listed below:
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. At the Shalom Project Senatorial Candidates forum.
Raw footage for The 90’s Election Specials. A continuation of footage from an arts empowerment rally, footage from the 1992 Republican National Convention at the Astrodome, and fascinating footage from the dilapidated Freedmen’s Town in Houston.
Raw tape for the 90’s election specials. This tape covers the filming of a Dick Simpson for Congress commercial. Simpson was running against Dan Rostenkowski in the 5th congressional district. The commercial involves a full studio audience of cheering supporters and some live music.
Footage for The 90’s Election Specials. South Side Irish Parade in Chicago’s Beverly neighborhood, in which many political candidates, local and national, are marching. This tape features a lengthy interview with incumbent Congressman Charles Hayes.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. First there is an interview with Andrew Wilson about producing a bio spot for the H. Ross Perot presidential campaign. This is followed by “3 Ticket Slot” by Jeffrey Lerer, an animated multimedia piece featuring the presidential hopefuls, and then several edited segments on war and firearms that appeared on episodes of The 90’s.
Footage for The 90’s election specials. Governor Bill Clinton plays the saxophone on Arsenio Hall.