Home » Politics » Dan Rostenkowski (Page 13)

  • [Rostenkowski raw #110]

    [Rostenkowski raw #110]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. In this tape, Senator Adelai Stevenson III talks about Rostenkowski’s power in Chicago politics. The crew has an extremely engaging discussion with Senator Stevenson about a number of different issues having to do with the general state of politics in the U.S.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #305]

    [Rostenkowski raw #305]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Election day, 1980. Rostenkowski is interviewed in his office. He shows us photographs of himself with Presidents Ford and Carter; he discusses his support for Richard M. Daley for State’s Attorney for Illinois; describes his friendship with Presidents Ford and Johnson (he says that history will conclude that President Johnson was one of the greatest presidents); he tells a funny anecdote about how excited he was to be seen on stage with Presidents Truman and Johnson; and discusses his billboard advertising campaign.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Dick Simpson #1]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Dick Simpson #1]

    Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape follows UIC political science professor and former Chicago Alderman, Dick Simpson, who is running for a seat in the House of Representatives against Dan Rostenkowski.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #111]

    [Rostenkowski raw #111]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. In this tape, Tom Weinberg interviews former chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Al Ullman, who describes the role of the chairman and the committee.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #306]

    [Rostenkowski raw #306]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Election day, 1980. Rostenkowski is interviewed in his office. Rostenkowski discusses how Congressmen are low-profile political figures in Chicago, and how Chicago’s increasing reliance on federal funds is changing and heightening the profile of Chicago Congressmen. He also discusses his political future, dodging the question of whether or not he’ll run for mayor of Chicago or attempt to become Speaker of the House of Representatives (saying everyone should want to become mayor or a congressman).

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Channel 7 news primary election night]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Channel 7 news primary election night]

    Footage for The 90’s election specials. Channel 7 news on primary election night in Illinois.

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