Home » Roots of Video (Page 66)

  • Image Union, episode 0418

    Image Union, episode 0418

    Compilation episode of Image Union featuring music videos. Songs include “PRL 8-53,” “Vasectomy,” and “How It’s Done” by Phil ‘N’ the Blanks, “Video Child” by The Almighty Crabbes, “Tape Your Wife to the Ceiling” by The Suburbs, “Language is a Virus” by Laurie Anderson, “and “Television Delivers People” by Richard Serra and Carlota Fay Schoolman. “Television Delivers People” is not a music video, per se, but a text-based manifesto.

  • Image Union, episode 0426

    Image Union, episode 0426

    An episode of Image Union featuring the work “One Sturdy String” by Mirko Popadic. A history of traditional Serbian music. Some footage from Popadic’s “Serbian Wedding” tape. We see the different ways Serbian Chicagoans incorporate this music into their lives, from extremely traditional performances to weddings to rock interpretations. We see footage of the Kapugi brothers playing the tamburitza. There is a lot of talk about the happiness produced by Serbian music and about the ways it combines with American music. Followed by “Studs Terkel at the Steel Mill” featuring Studs Terkel interviewing steel worker and organizer Alice Peurala.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #20, #21, #22]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #20, #21, #22]

    Raw tape #20, #21, #22 for Vito Marzullo documentary. City Hall #1, #2, #3. Political historian Milton Rakove, a professor of political science at University of Illinois-Chicago, interviews Vito Marzullo in his office at City Hall.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #26]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #26]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business and some who are already established. Interview with Tab Hunter, former matinee idol, in the Chateau Marmont hotel. Hunter talks about the impact of fame and stardom on people’s personalities. Frank Cavestani explains the mission of the project–to de-glamorize Hollywood and to show the reality of a Hollywood wannabe.

  • [Greetings From Lanesville excerpt] – State of the Movement – Oo oooh: Bart’s ‘Deep Throat’ Dream – [TVTV clips]

    [Greetings From Lanesville excerpt] – State of the Movement – Oo oooh: Bart’s ‘Deep Throat’ Dream – [TVTV clips]

    0:00 Black, static. 0:32 Flying Saucer clip from “Greetings from Lanesville” by the Videofreex.  This segment features Tom Weinberg and Skip Blumberg playing flying saucer inspectors.  This is a different edit from the version on the full “Greetings From Lanesville” tape.  The Lanesville TV Show was broadcast out of the Catskills of New York in the 1970s. 7:55 End. Static. 8:22 “In Black and White. Report. State of the Movement.” by Nancy Cain. Cain takes us to the Little Miss […]

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #83]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #83]

    Raw footage from the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. This tape takes place on the set of the made-for-TV movie “Stonestreet: Who Killed the Centerfold Model?” with actress Sally Kirkland. We watch behind-the-scenes footage, including: the make-up crew doing their work on Kirkland; Kirkland rehearsing with the director; the gaffer and cinematographer lighting the set; and Kirkland performing multiple takes of a scene.

  • [Workshops – Jose de Molina interview – plenary #1]

    [Workshops – Jose de Molina interview – plenary #1]

    0:00 A woman interviews Jose de Molina. She asks him what he thinks of the conference. He says that it is a step in the right direction. Organizations have small effects but one from the conference perhaps in the future will have a larger impact.  2:25 The video changes to a group conversation in a room. 14:08 A man gives an English summary of the what the workshops discussed from the previous days. 32:52 End of Tape.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #5]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #5]

    Raw footage from the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. This tape features an interview with Sally Kirkland at her home.

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