[The 90’s raw: kites, Fugazi, El Salvador protest]
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Three lengthy economics-based interviews, taken at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. One with Don McAlvany, one with a CEO of a company that is selling financial advice for Christians, and one with David Bradshaw.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Eddie Tape #77. This tape features video recorded inside a banquet celebrating the 30th congressional baseball game between Democrats and Republicans; a tour inside Jose Rodriguez’s “Politically Correct Clothing” t-shirt store; the inside of the Pacifica Radio press booth covering the congressional nomination hearing for Robert Gates as director of the CIA; a long interview with Congressman Calvin Dooley; a presentation on technology from Professor Rustum Roy; an interview with the director of Citizens Against PACs; and a tour inside the “Political Americana” memorabilia shop.
The 90’s Pre-Election special from 1991, “President Who?” Not a finished version.
Raw footage for The 90’s. Doug Skinner performs the Salad Bar song at a salad bar in New York City.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. Videomaker Skip Blumberg spends time at Clinton Campaign headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. Videomakers Diane Abt and Steve Golden visit a polling place to document the exit polling process and talk to voters about their experiences voting and being polled.