[The 90’s raw: Charles Paul Freund, Erika Becker, Rebuild America]
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Interviews with Charles Paul Freund and Fred Branfman, and footage of videomaker Eddie Becker’s daughter Erika.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Interviews with Charles Paul Freund and Fred Branfman, and footage of videomaker Eddie Becker’s daughter Erika.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Videomaker Eddie Becker travels to White House Park to document a debate between a group of protesters and other people who were merely passing by the demonstration. One passerby and former Biddeford, Maine mayoral candidate, Rory Holland, addresses the group. (Holland was later charged with murder in the gunning down of two Biddeford residents in June of 2009.)
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Eddie Tape #80. Outside the United States Post Office in Merrifield, Virginia, 1991 after the first immigration visa lottery. Nearly 19 million applications were submitted by mail for the 40,000 open slots. The lottery was an attempt to give a boost to several under-represented countries, including Ireland. There are multiple interviews on this tape, which is continued from 10935.
Eddie Tape #111. Democratic convention. Becker at the 1992 Democratic National Convention, various interviews.
Episode 202 of the award-winning TV series The 90’s. This episode is called “HOW WE GET AROUND (AKA THE TAXI SHOW)” and features the following segments:
Raw footage for The 90’s. Interview with Rev. Calvin O. Butts following up from an interview he gave on tape 11140 about his campaign to stop Philip Morris from advertising cigarettes in low income neighborhoods.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. The tape covers Bill Clinton’s primary election night party at Chicago’s Palmer House Hilton hotel. The set-up for the party is briefly taped before Bill and Hillary Clinton arrive. Bill Clinton delivers his primary victory speech. Afterward, some partygoers (all Clinton supporters) are interviewed, and other media outlets cover the party.
Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. Paul Tsongas victory party at Bedrock Billiards in Washington, D.C. Videomaker Eddie Becker interviews Tsongas supporters while they play pool.