Home » Global Village » THE 90’s (Page 2)

  • Demo tape

    Demo tape

    Promotional showreel for The 90s. Clips from various episodes plus press quotes praising the show.

  • Go Solo

    Go Solo

    This video shows a series of performances out of the Go Solo workshop that are in various stages of development. Most are straight acting pieces with a few bordering on stand-up comedy.

  • GOP, Meet Stoney Burke

    GOP, Meet Stoney Burke

    “You have to put all your intelligence in your back pocket and you can talk to these people”                                                                                   -Stoney Burke Last night’s Republican production reminded us of conventions past. In 1992, performance artist Stoney Burke provided an inside view for […]

  • Hillary returns to Park Ridge, IL for the first time in 13 years

    Hillary returns to Park Ridge, IL for the first time in 13 years

    Yesterday Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to her hometown of Park Ridge for a day packed with fundraisers (tickets for which ranged in price from $45-$27,000). Clinton was met largely with hometown support and reminisced about her days in Park Ridge. She spoke about national security, the importance of accountability in politics and being true to one’s word. According to the Chicago Tribune, Clinton encountered some protesters as well. A senior from Hillary’s alma mater, Maine South High School, said he couldn’t […]

  • Ideas: Sandra Lowell – Tapdance; Tracy + Peter Wedding, etc.

    Ideas: Sandra Lowell – Tapdance; Tracy + Peter Wedding, etc.

    The first part of this video is a tapdancer performing several takes of a performance for the TV show, THE 90’s. The second and larger part of the video is footage of a Jewish family wedding in Sonoma, CA with several scenic shots sprinkled throughout.

  • Inside the Clinton Command Center, DNC ’92

    Inside the Clinton Command Center, DNC ’92

    No presidential convention has been brokered since 1952, when both Vice President Dwight Eisenhower and Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson needed more than one ballot to get their party’s nominations. This year, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton arrived at their conventions with enough delegates to win. Still, the conventions have been anything but uneventful. Just as the Bernie Sanders people are a thorn in the side of the Hillary Clinton campaign, so was Jerry Brown a force that Bill Clinton’s […]

  • New York Dems

    New York Dems

    New York on Sunday: Woman hatin (Anthony Brocca), At the hall (Gary Smith), Illinois party, Pete Seeger at the Village Gate. Tom Weinberg explores New York during the 1992 Democratic National Convention.

  • Super Sonic, etc.

    Super Sonic, etc.

    There are two sections of note in this footage. First some footage of a TV being changed through several different channels at the time of the Gulf War and second a performer on the Venice Beach Boardwalk. The rest of the video is the filmmaker chatting with friends around Los Angeles on Super Bowl Sunday.

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