[Hip Hop from Joanie Convention]
Masters for segments mostly broadcast on The 90s #405: “It’s a Mall, Mall, World.” Includes: Cosmetic Surgery in the Mall (7:00), Act-Up Goes Shopping (Judith Binder, 17:00), Jody Procter at the Mall (Jody Procter & Kit Sibert, 15:00), The Free Mall (9:15), Beverly Center Drive By (1:45)
Includes: Glitch (2:59), Plastic Inflatable Companion (3:12), Clean Athletic & Talented (3:33), What’s Wrong with Being Bald and Wearing Glasses (2:53), Tex without a T (2:29), Mister Upscale (2:57), Just Another Cowgirl (3:14), Spare Parts (3:56)
90’s West: Getting Older. Now I am Six (Christo’s Umbrellas) (Jay April, 4:08), Interview with Sam Shaffer (Judith Binder, 6:00), Bruhs & Gean, A Love Story (Esti Marpet, 5:18), Meg Carey Colors Her Hair (Tobe Carey, 2:30), Linda Burnham Goes Grey (Esti Galili Marpet, 2:21), he Phantom of North Park Place (Nancy Cain, 7:30)