[Nancy Cain’s Journal 1987-1988]
“2nd Best Master” includes Street Meese, At Hom, Ruth Ironing, Obscene Phone Call, Boone & Bredesen, Robbie Conal, TV Review, Bob Morton
“2nd Best Master” includes Street Meese, At Hom, Ruth Ironing, Obscene Phone Call, Boone & Bredesen, Robbie Conal, TV Review, Bob Morton
Includes After the Attack with Robert & Lester, Armageddon Time/The Clash/Shalom Gorewitz, Anthem: Dee Dee
Includes Low Tone Contest, Emotional Rescue, Consciousness Lowering, Viet Vet War Heroes, A Private Moment (Pineapple), Sister Rose Augusta, Pauline Oliveros at CMS, Men Washing Dishes Together, Duck & Cover, Washington Upbeat, Anthem Sax CMS
Includes Zen Shuji Zendeko (Drums) (4:20), Interview w/Frank Emi (18:20), Rohr Camp Reunion (5:55), Japanese Tourists at Chinese Theater (2:15)
Includes The Lone Ranger (4:45), NYC Press-TV Protest (14:25), Flipping the Dial
Includes Spy Talk with Robert & Lester, The Night Before the Woodstock Jazz Festival, Conspiracy Update: Who Shot Ronald Reagan?, Karen Silkwood Song, Anthem: Joel Gold