[Nancy’s Version #213: What’s Fun in the 90’s]
Nancy Cain Selected Works 1979-1983: The Workshop (:30), Turkey Dinner (10:00), A Private Moment (:30), Bikers (1:00), Behind the Headlines (3:00), Fat Man (Music) (3:00), Karen Silkwood Cantata (6:00), The Surf Report (3:00), Men Who Love Trucks (3:00), Gypsy Moth Update (3:00), Garbage Man (3:00), Ooohh (X-Rated) (5:00)
Wilton North Report Pieces w/Graphics: Robbie Conal, Bob Morton, Street Meese, Kids (3 Times), Deli Review, Cowboy Xmas, Bail Bondsmen, Football Etiquette, Vanity Plates
[Program #902: Running for President. San Fernando High School Holds Political Convention. Brown, Perot, Clinton also run.