Remembering Andrew Patner

Andrew Patner died suddenly last Tuesday, February 3. He was 55. Andrew had become an old-style Chicago icon, a 21st century version of his dear friend and mentor, Studs Terkel.

In this video, produced at the University of Chicago during an Alumni Association event, we get a glimpse of Andrew and Studs together in 2004. After Studs died, Andrew thought it was important that this video be part of Media Burn’s permanent Terkel collection, saying, “It is one of the only interviews where Studs (is forced to 😉 ) talk in some detail about his connections with the U of C and the South Side.”

Andrew’s hour-long program “Critical Thinking” aired every Monday on WFMT, where Andrew’s ever inquisitive mind was at home considering a wide array of topics, from “Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain” to “upbeat Jazz from WWII.” He was wonderful, colorful, knowledgeable, and always fun. I have lost a personal friend. Chicago has lost a treasure. Way too soon.

You can watch the full conversation between Andrew and Studs at Media Burn.



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