We’re excited to be part of this special event. Hope to see you there!
The Chicago Television Project: Studs’ Place
Pocket Guide to Hell presents Studs’ Place, a live performance of a NEW episode of the classic Studs Terkel television show, at the Hideout (1354 W Wabansia) on Sunday, November 11, 2012, at 7 PM. There is a $7-10 suggested donation.
In honor of the yearlong Studs Terkel centennial, Pocket Guide to Hell is producing a new episode of the classic 1950s TV series Studs’ Place, set in 2012 but making use of character types and scenarios from the original series. The episode will be performed in the front bar of the Hideout but projected before an audience seated in the back, simulating the effect of watching a live television broadcast.
Meredith Milliron (Barrel of Monkeys) directs a cast that includes John Geiger, Roger Payton, Scott M. Priz, Chris Rathjen, Nick Wagner, and Rachel Wilson. Special guest stars include Bill Savage, and Alison Cuddy.
The performance will be followed by short talks on the Chicago School of Televsion by the Museum of Broadcast Communication’s Walter Podrazik; on Media Burn’s efforts to locate original episodes of Studs’ Place by Sara Chapman and Tom Weinberg; and on Win Stracke and the founding of the Old Town School of Folk Music by musician Mark Dvorak.
Can’t make it to the Hideout? Take a virtual look at Media Burn through the “Tour America’s Treasures” blog.
It’s a great description of why our footage is so rare and significant, and the steep challenges we face trying to save Hi-8mm videotapes.
The blog is also a great way to learn more about the 1,230 historic “Save America’s Treasures” projects around the country. This 1999-2010 federal program saved such diverse artifacts of American history as the R. Buckminster Fuller papers, the Mark Twain home, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robie House, Apollo Space artifacts, the Washington Monument, the Star Spangled Banner, the Manhattan Project buildings at Los Alamos, the Rosa Parks bus, and so many more.
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