Digitize Broadcast Tape Collections | Media Burn


Whether you’re a studio manager, director, producer, editor, stylist, or on-air talent, you have tapes that need to be digitized

The tapes that capture your accomplishments in television or advertising are irreplaceable. But they are by no means safe in your closet, basement, or garage. In fact, no matter how you store and protect your magnetic media collection, your videotapes are deteriorating. Even the equipment required to play them is obsolete and becoming increasingly rare.

Sadly, that means those video and audio tapes may soon be unplayable and lost forever. Save your media archive now, before it’s too late. Entrust your tapes to expert archivists whose passion is the preservation of history and culture.


Convert your videotapes to a digital library

We can help you convert and organize those recordings—the entire legacy of a studio or your personal career—into a fully digital library that affords you the option to search by names, titles, dates, or other metadata. Consider what you could be accessing for your next project, your next reel, or for digital re-release online:

  • commercials;
  • newscasts;
  • television series;
  • interviews; and
  • documentaries.

You can trust us with your tapes

Don’t take risks with your body of work. Your videotapes deserve expert care and attention. Entrust them to archivists whose passion is the preservation of history and culture. The team at Media Burn has been in the business of preserving invaluable, history-rich video collections—especially television newscasts and documentaries—for over 15 years.

We’re not-for-profit, we’re driven, and we don’t take shortcuts. We take great pains to digitize and preserve every second of video that can be saved. It’s our mission.

Contact us to develop a personalized plan for the digital preservation of all your video and audio tapes.

Video archivers you can trust

Our organization was not organized or deliberate in preserving our history. I was surprised by how easy the process was! I wish we had contacted you years earlier so we could have had access to our video heritage this whole time. Instead of boxes of videotapes stacked to the ceiling, subject to dangers of heat, cold, and loss of fidelity, we have a hard drive. We use this footage continually for retrospectives and awards shows.”

— Chapter President, National Academy of TV Arts & Sciences

Accepted formats


1″ type C • 3/4” U-matic • digital Betacam • Betacam SP • Betacam SX • Betamax • Hi-8mm • Hi-8mm HiFi • Video-8 • VHS • S-VHS • VHS-C • mini-DV • DVCAM • DVCPro • DVD • CD • audio cassette

Connect with us

Contact us for a personalized price quote or technical consultation for the digital preservation of your video collection. Want to speak with us directly? Give us a call at 312-964-5020.

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Copyright © 2023 Media Burn Archive.
Media Burn Archive | 935 W Chestnut St Suite 405 Chicago IL 60642
(312) 964-5020 | info@mediaburn.org