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  • Operation “Storm the Media”

    Operation “Storm the Media”

    Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection. Footage of an anti-war demonstration outside ABC in New York on January 30, 1991. Protesters confront Peter Jennings about his network’s Persian Gulf War coverage. Difficult to hear at times because of background noise of the demonstration.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials: Vote – Witness]

    [The 90’s Election Specials: Vote – Witness]

    Segments for The 90’s election specials. “Vote” by Ann Carlson and Mary Ellen Strom and “Witness” by Mary Ellen Strom.

  • Channel Zero: Planet Street

    Channel Zero: Planet Street

    This Canadian program is self-described as a video magazine that brings the MTV aesthetic–quick cuts, stylized imagery, skewed camera angles, music–to intellectual and educational programming. The show focuses on liberal and human rights issues such as media control, poor conditions for blacks in South Africa, etc.

  • Steel Mill Blues

    Steel Mill Blues

    In front of the U.S. Steel South Works in South Chicago, Studs Terkel talks to Alice Peurala about the troubles steel mill workers are facing and the negative impact of Reagan’s presidency on working people. Terkel likens the current situation at the mill to the situation during the Great Depression. Peurala stresses solidarity for the workers and predicts disaster for the country if workers are further and further disadvantaged by Reagan’s policies.

  • War Essay

    War Essay

    Edited segment for The 90’s. An impressionistic view of war shot in Iraq and Jordan shortly after the end of the air and land war. This segment, with an added intro and titles, was aired on The 90’s, episode 308 (The Anti-War Tapes)

  • Image Union, episode 0307

    Image Union, episode 0307

    Image Union episode from September 1980 featuring: “Right to Strike” by Ramazan Ajdini and Jean de Segonzac, a documentary about the 1980 Chicago firemen’s strike; and “Double Think” by Janice Tanaka, an experimental film about Japanese internment during World War II.

  • Steel Mill 2

    Raw footage from Studs Terkel at the Steel Mill by The Public Interest Video Network. Terkel interviews steel mill workers about Reagan’s policies (“What does Ronald Reagan mean to you?”) and the low level of employment at the mill. Also b-roll of the plant.

  • [The 90’s raw : God’s Love We Deliver]

    [The 90’s raw : God’s Love We Deliver]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Videomaker Esti Marpet visits God’s Love We Deliver, a charity group that delivers meals to home-bound patients with AIDS and other debilitating diseases. Marpet spends most of the tape in the kitchen interviewing staff members about how the organization functions and about their connections to the cause. There is also a lengthy interview with a current client of the organization and one the co-founders, Ganga Stone, who talks about how she founded the organization.

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