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  • Ideas: Sandra Lowell – Tapdance; Tracy + Peter Wedding, etc.

    Ideas: Sandra Lowell – Tapdance; Tracy + Peter Wedding, etc.

    The first part of this video is a tapdancer performing several takes of a performance for the TV show, THE 90’s. The second and larger part of the video is footage of a Jewish family wedding in Sonoma, CA with several scenic shots sprinkled throughout.

  • On Dream Street…

    On Dream Street…

    Documentary about a dance team for people with disabilities called Dream Street as they compete at the Central Park Challenge.

  • Image Union, episode 0030: Municipal Mirth

    Image Union, episode 0030: Municipal Mirth

    An episode of the independent film and video showcase, Image Union, featuring a look at the first summertime Chicago neighborhood fests in Englewood, South Shore, Lincoln Square, Cabrini-Green, Chinatown, and Beverly.

  • New Dance

    New Dance

    Compilation tape of various dance pieces produced by Skip Blumberg in 1986.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: House O’Matics #1]

    [Chicago Slices raw: House O’Matics #1]

    This video contains raw footage for the television show “Chicago Slices.” Camcorder Correspondent Brigid Murphy attends a House O’Matics dance crew performance in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago.

  • [The 90’s raw: Seville dancers]

    [The 90’s raw: Seville dancers]

    Raw footage for the award-winning TV series The 90’s. Footage of people dancing in traditional outfits in Sevilla [Seville], Spain.

  • For A Moment You Fly: The Big Apple Circus

    For A Moment You Fly: The Big Apple Circus

    Documentary about a small, non-traveling circus in New York City called the Big Apple Circus. The circus features many human performers including acrobats, jugglers, tumblers, etc, but no animals. The performers talk about how much they love performing in the circus, especially this one. Movement and precision acrobatics help make this tape more than just a document about people, but more of a sensory portrait of the feel of a circus.

  • Anzanga Marimba And Dance Ensemble

    This tape is an episode of “This Town’s Talent”, a program that appears to be produced for a local PBS or cable-access station. This episode features The Anzanga Marimba and Dance Ensemble, a group that performs traditional and contemporary African music using mostly marimbas, a type of African xylophone. The group performs five or six songs, and then ends the show with a traditional African dance. While the music and dancing are good, the show is hampered by its low (i.e. cable-access-ish) production values.

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