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  • Bongo


    This tape appears to be raw or crudely edited footage (perhaps a very rough cut) from a documentary about the 1992 riots in Los Angeles sparked by the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King. The first 15 minutes are taken up by an interview with Bongo, an African-American artist and business owner in South Central Los Angeles. Bongo’s comments, which are often very passionate and animated, center on the racist mistreatment of African-Americans, particularly African-Americans i n Los Angeles. The remainder of the tape is raw footage shot in Los Angeles following the riots. Most of the shots are of National Guardsmen patrolling the streets on foot and in armored vehicles. These images make Los Angeles look eerily similar to occupied Baghdad.

  • Rostenkowski


    This 1981 documentary creates a revealing portrait of Dan Rostenkowski, Chicago’s most important Congressman in Washington, at the time when he first became Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. It demonstrates the style and deep-rooted network of politics in Washington and Chicago, the colorful man himself, and his contemporaries. “The Chairman” was at the height of his power when this documentary was produced, a over a decade before Rostenkowski was indicted, convicted and sent to Federal prison. It shows the inner workings of Congress and politics from the point of view of a genuine insider… the phone calls, relationships, and processes that run this country.

  • Buckminster Fuller: Grandfather Of The Future

    Short interview with Buckminster Fuller about various topics.

  • Image Union, episode 0308

    Image Union, episode 0308

    Compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Always Late” by Mitchell Kriegman, “Advanced Riding Bowl” by Connie Coleman and Alan Powell, “The Chicago Cycling Classic” by Karen Conner, and “Cetacean” by Chip Dodsworth. The tapes in this program were selected for showing at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

  • Image Union, episode 0408: NBC-TV News

    Image Union, episode 0408: NBC-TV News

    Image Union episode featuring “NBC-TV News” by The Visual Production Seminar at Columbia College. Videomakers include Barrie Dellenbach, Al Stoncius, and Dave Harvey. Color video. An inside look at the operations of a newsroom.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #23]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #23]

    Raw tape #23 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Despres #1. Interview with Alderman Leon Despres, who had a longtime feud with Marzullo and served with him in the city council for over twenty years. He gives his description of Marzullo’s character and shares his dislike of Marzullo both personally and politically. Despres also gives a concise description the political institution known informally as the “Chicago Machine” and how it operates.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #44]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #44]

    Raw tape #44 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Rakove transitions. Director Tom Weinberg talks with Milton Rakove, a professor of political science at the University of Illinois-Chicago and author who documented the Chicago political machine under Mayor Richard J. Daley. Weinberg coaxes sound bytes out of Rakove, used as transitions in the documentary’s final cut. They discuss Marzullo’s strengths and weaknesses, his day-to-day operations as part of the “machine” and how the Chicago City Council really governs.

  • [Michael Mixxin Moor raw #2: at KCRW #1]

    [Michael Mixxin Moor raw #2: at KCRW #1]

    Raw tape with hip hop pioneer Michael Mixxin Moor at radio station KCRW for his show “The Militant Mastermixx.” Audio levels are erratic.

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