[Chicago Slices raw : pinball wizard]
Raw footage shot for the TV series Chicago Slices. This tape features a tour of Gottlieb pinball company with engineer and “pinball wizard” Jon Norris.
Raw footage shot for the TV series Chicago Slices. This tape features a tour of Gottlieb pinball company with engineer and “pinball wizard” Jon Norris.
Raw footage for the TV program Chicago Slices. In this tape, female impersonator John “Jyneen” Simms and other exotic dancers are interviewed by Kevin Matthews on WLUP-FM, “The Loop.”
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” This tape features footage of Bill Veeck on the street and with Bill Gleason in a bar.
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” In this tape, Bill Veeck and John Mengelt continue to talk about the business of baseball at Lake Michigan, with the Chicago skyline in the background.
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man for Any Season.” This tape features stills of Bill Veeck. Silent with onscreen timecode.
Raw footage of Bill Veeck at Powell’s Bookstore in Hyde Park with Mike Leiderman.
This is raw footage of Keoki in Hawaii for “None of the Above,” a documentary special focusing on non-voters during the 1996 Presidential primaries. Keoki part 2 of 3.