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  • Image Union, episode 0627

    Image Union, episode 0627

    0:00 Slate, count-in. 0:13 Image Union opening. 0:57 WBBM-radio’s Diane Abt interviews Chicago Mayor Harold Washington in his Hyde Park home. The interview starts out discussing race and later moves on to create a portrait of Washington’s daily life. 19:22 “The Nixon Tape” by Elon Soltes. Documentary about people who are obsessed with succeeding in photographing the elusive Richard Nixon. 27:20 Image Union credits. 28:40 End of tape.

  • Image Union, episode 0333

    Image Union, episode 0333

    Compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Dan Sandin” by Christine de Lignieres, “Video Junkins” by Nancy Simon Harris, and “Duck and Cover.”

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #36]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #36]

    Raw tape #36 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Ward office #2. Continuation of previous footage of Marzullo in his ward office. Sparks—and eyebrow-raising quotes— fly when Alderman Marzullo and director Tom Weinberg continue their conversation about race relations within the ward. Marzullo rails against Chicago’s Latino immigrants and even attacks some of his fellow Italians for their involvement in organized crime.

  • Image Union, episode 0211

    Image Union, episode 0211

    This episode of Image Union is a remake of Image Union #1. See http://mediaburn.org/video/image-union-episode-1/.

  • Dennis Hull #4

    Dennis Hull #4

    An interview and b-roll with Dennis Hull, Athletic Director of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Hull explains how and why he plays the role he does in fundraising for the school and its sports teams. This is followed by various b-roll of a typical day at Hull’s job, watching the teams practice in the gym, and talking with administrators in his office.

  • Dennis Hull #2

    Dennis Hull #2

    In this part of an interview with hockey great Dennis Hull, Hull recounts the decisions that led him to his career in the NHL. He also gives insight into the mindset of a hockey player, discussing the importance of faith in oneself and the fact that winning the Stanley Cup, not one’s salary, is of the most paramount importance.

  • [Studs interview tapes 2 and 3]

    [Studs interview tapes 2 and 3]

    Raw interview footage of Studs Terkel at the Newberry Library. Terkel is being interviewed for a Chicago-oriented program.

  • C-Span in Depth live interview with Studs Terkel, part 1

    Callers phone in and send e-mails to ask questions of Studs Terkel, who engages them in discussion interwoven with his powerful storytelling.  Part 1 of 2.

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