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  • Bongo


    This tape appears to be raw or crudely edited footage (perhaps a very rough cut) from a documentary about the 1992 riots in Los Angeles sparked by the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King. The first 15 minutes are taken up by an interview with Bongo, an African-American artist and business owner in South Central Los Angeles. Bongo’s comments, which are often very passionate and animated, center on the racist mistreatment of African-Americans, particularly African-Americans i n Los Angeles. The remainder of the tape is raw footage shot in Los Angeles following the riots. Most of the shots are of National Guardsmen patrolling the streets on foot and in armored vehicles. These images make Los Angeles look eerily similar to occupied Baghdad.

  • [Dee Dee Halleck on Marshall McLuhan]

    [Dee Dee Halleck on Marshall McLuhan]

    Dee Dee Halleck takes a look back at Marshall McLuhan’s theories and their widespread worship by her generation. She speaks her thoughts straight to the camera, like a personal dialogue with the viewer. She says that upon further reflection, McLuhan’s theories were actually very dangerous. “Those of us who know, who’ve worked with portable camcorders, we know that it’s not easy…that we’re busting our balls to change the world.”

  • The Good War

    A video recording of Mendocino College’s stage adaptation of Studs Terkel’s book “The Good War: An Oral History of World War II.” Actors play people recalling memories about different aspects World War II (combat, home front, etc.) while still images related to WWII are projected onto a wall behind the stage. Actors and actresses sing WWII-era songs between monologues.

  • From Chicago To Medellin

    From Chicago To Medellin

    This tape is a demo for a yet uncompleted feature documentary. The authors (a married couple) start the tape with the information that theirs is an unusual union, with the husband being from Medellin, Columbia and the wife from Chicago, both places famous for organized crime. This piece draws a comparison between Al Capone’s Chicago of the 1920s and Pablo Escobar’s Medellin of the 1980s. Historical information is provided and interesting use is made of old Hollywood gangster clips.

  • [Rally for Puerto Rican Nationalists]

    [Rally for Puerto Rican Nationalists]

    A conference and rally in Chicago for the Puerto Rican Nationalists

  • Tales of Hoffman: Abbie And Julius And The Chicago Conspiracy Trial

    Tales of Hoffman: Abbie And Julius And The Chicago Conspiracy Trial

    Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection.

  • Club Med Pulls

    Club Med Pulls

    Footage from a Club Med vacation in the Bahamas. Tourists play games and are interviewed about the coming of the computer age.

  • [Nixon’s resignation]

    White House pool feed of Nixon before and during his resignation broadcast on August 8, 1974. This is not Nixon ‘s entire speech. The speech is cutoff after Nixon announces that Vice President Ford will replace him (about 4 minutes into speech). He appears jovial and carefree beforehand, giving no signs of the gravity of his announcement.

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