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  • Image Union, episode 0532: Riverview Plus 2

    Image Union, episode 0532: Riverview Plus 2

    This Image Union episode has three major parts. The first is a look back on the Chicago amusement park, Riverview, the second is a piece on the Illinois lottery by Tom Palazzolo, and the third is a reminisce on vaudeville performance by Rudy Horn, a former Vaudeville performer.

  • [None of the Above roll-in reel]

    [None of the Above roll-in reel]

    Roll-in-Reel for the documentary “None of the Above,” which takes a look at non-voters. Includes interviews with non-voters across the country on or around election day 1996.

  • We’ll Be Right Back

    We’ll Be Right Back

    A “Nick at Nite” broadcast from August 20, 1989, of a show featuring classic television commercials from the 1950’s, 1960’s; and 1970’s. Included are commercials for Screaming Yellow Zonkers, Roy Rogers Quicker Shooter Hat, Mystery Date Board Game, Brylcreem, Mr. Clean, Hai Karate, and Charmin.

  • [Civil Defense films]

    [Civil Defense films]

    Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection. A series of Civil Defense Fund Films, all dealing with atomic energy and atomic attacks.

  • Image Union, episode 0339

    Image Union, episode 0339

    Image Union episode featuring “Can’t Take No More” by Janet Hayman Jenny Durin.

  • The Other Side Of Summer: The Wrecking Of Old Comiskey Park

    The Other Side Of Summer: The Wrecking Of Old Comiskey Park

    The narration is a spoken poem by Chicago poet, Bob Chicoine. It is related over still photos of old Comiskey Park. The poem includes personal recollections of the poet’s experiences at old Comiskey park and also chronicles the park’s demolition. The photos include pictures Comiskey Park, many baseball players, Bill Veeck, and the Chicago stockyards.

  • Image Union, episode 0608

    Image Union, episode 0608

    Mayoral Commercials by Lynn Sweet. This tape collects many of the political ads from the 1983 race for mayor of Chicago. The ads are shown in approximately consecutive order. First there are the ads for the Democratic primary race between Jane Byrne, Richard M. Daley, and Harold Washington, followed by ads from the general election between Harold Washington and Bernard Epton. Many of the ads are smears, so it is interesting to see them in close succession responding to each other. Includes ad featuring Studs Terkel for Washington.

  • [Selects of presidential debate 10/11/(1992)]

    Two questions and partial responses from the presidential debate that took place on October 11, 1992. The tape begins at the end of Bush’s response to an unknown question. The floor is then turned over to Perot for his response to the same question. Apparently, the question asked had to do with political experience, or one or both of the other candidates questioned Perot’s experience in their response, because Perot responds with witty remarks about his experience: “Well, they’ve got a point. I don’t have any experience running up a 4 trillion dollar debt. I don’t have any experience in gridlock government where nobody takes responsibility for anything and everybody blames everybody else…I’ve got a lot of experience in not taking ten years to solve a ten minute problem…I’ve got a lot of experience in figuring out how to solve problems, making the solutions work, and then moving on to the next one.”

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