[Giving Birth: Margaret Mead 1]
Raw footage of an interview with anthropologist Margaret Mead for the documentary Giving Birth: Four Portraits.
Raw footage of an interview with anthropologist Margaret Mead for the documentary Giving Birth: Four Portraits.
Videomakers John Reilly and Julie Gustafson recording clean readings of questions asked of Margaret Mead during the interview conducted for the documentary Giving Birth: Four Portraits.
Raw footage of an interview with anthropologist Margaret Mead for the documentary Giving Birth: Four Portraits.
A brief interview with Judith Binder and Nancy Cain about CamNet for public television station KCET.
Interview with guerrilla television pioneer Denise Zaccardi about her career and the alternative video scene in Chicago in the 1970s. Shot for a University of Chicago BA thesis project called “Alternative Television: A Short History of Video Activism in Chicago.” Interview starts at 7:30 and is preceded by unrelated silent footage of Midway Studios at the University of Chicago.
Interview with guerrilla television pioneer Scott Jacobs about his career and the alternative video scene in Chicago in the 1970s. Shot for a University of Chicago BA thesis project called “Alternative Television: A Short History of Video Activism in Chicago.”
Interview with guerrilla television pioneer Tedwilliam Theodore about his career and the alternative video scene in Chicago in the 1970s. Shot for a University of Chicago BA thesis project called “Alternative Television: A Short History of Video Activism in Chicago.” This tape is an audio-only recording of a phone call.
Interview with guerrilla television pioneer Jim Morrissette about his career and the alternative video scene in Chicago in the 1970s. Shot for a University of Chicago BA thesis project called “Alternative Television: A Short History of Video Activism in Chicago.”