[Howard Zinn raw #28: Cleveland Sellers speaks about his involvement with Zinn and the SNCC]
Cleveland Sellers discusses Howard Zinn and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Cleveland Sellers discusses Howard Zinn and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Filmmaker Denis Mueller interviews Noam Chomsky in his office at MIT. They discuss Howard Zinn’s impact, the Vietnam War, and anti-war activism.
Howard Zinn discusses his time at Boston University.
Interview with Howard Zinn in his office at Boston University.
Denis Mueller interviews Howard Zinn at his office at Boston University. They discuss WWII, SNCC, the Civil Rights movement, and the Ludlow Massacre.
Howard Zinn sits at a bookstore, talking to fans, signing their books.
An interview with historian Stanley Kutler, a contemporary of Howard Zinn. He discusses Howard Zinn, his success, and the discipline of history as a whole.
A conversation between Studs Terkel and Howard Zinn at an alternative media event Berkeley, California. They speak about activism, racism, and making change in the United States.