[Archival reel for View from the Bleachers]
This tape contains a series of baseball-related clips from newsreels, followed by close-ups of baseball cards. Much of the newsreel footage is choppy or has no sound.
This tape contains a series of baseball-related clips from newsreels, followed by close-ups of baseball cards. Much of the newsreel footage is choppy or has no sound.
Interview with Ron and Nancy Pejril, who run the Compu-Erotic Bulletin Board System (CEBBS), chat room focused mainly on sexual topics. We see shots of the computer with messages from the members and hear the Pejrils’ thoughts on electronic dating.
This tape contains raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Eddie Becker interviews author Clarence Lusane (1953-) about his new book Pipe Dream Blues: Racism and the War on Drugs. Becker also interviews Sherod Williams, a clinical psychologist, about his views on racial attitudes in America.
Eddie Tape #94. Malls, Grant Kester. An interview with Grant Kester about malls and the ‘edge city.’
Continuation of Ed Schwartz’s live broadcast on The Loop FM begun on previous tapes. Tom Weinberg talks with Ed during breaks about his radio experiences for the TV show Radio Faces.
This video contains raw footage for the television show “Chicago Slices.” Videomakers Skip Blumberg and Ahdee Goldberg speak with a rollerblader and his friend in the Lincoln Park/Old Town area of Chicago. They also visit opera singer Gloria Linari at her home in Highwood, IL. Linari talks about her work and performs a few pieces for the camera.