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  • [Chicago Slices raw : Stan Hollenbeck]

    [Chicago Slices raw : Stan Hollenbeck]

    This video contains raw footage for the television show “Chicago Slices.” In this video, Ben Jarovsky interviews Stan Hollenbeck, publicist for Joz’s LaunderBar, a combination laundromat and bar.

  • [Bill Veeck with Ray Greybey]

    [Bill Veeck with Ray Greybey]

    Tape has Ray Grebey, the owners’ negotiator for the ’81 MLB strike, and Bill Veeck discussing players associations, money in sports, Chicago in general, and a few off-the-cuff remarks about Marvin Miller.

  • [Tribute to Abbie Hoffman]

    [Tribute to Abbie Hoffman]

    0:00 Color bars. 0:07 Poster with Kiefer Sutherland and others. 0:34 George Carlin. Talks to Nancy Cain, in preparation for interview. 1:05 Carlin talks Abbie Hoffman’s greatest contribution. Carlin feels this was his use of humor, because he could get across important information to people who otherwise might not listen. 3:20 Carlin talks about when he first became aware of Hoffman. He was a comic on the folk circuit in the 1960s, and then got more famous and began appearing […]

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Bruce Campbell]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Bruce Campbell]

    This video contains raw footage for the television show “Chicago Slices.” Doug Sawyer talks to Hollywood producer Bruce Campbell about his upcoming projects. Campbell gives a speech emphasizing his dubious celebrity connections. Sawyer is confrontational, questioning many of Campbell’s claims. The tape ends right after Sawyer catches him in a lie about his connection to Roger Ebert.

  • [The 90’s raw: Federal Reserve]

    [The 90’s raw: Federal Reserve]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. An interview with an unidentified woman about the Freedom of Information Act, and videomaker Eddie Becker attempts to contact the Federal Reserve.

  • [The 90’s raw: Eddie Tape #93 – Malls]

    [The 90’s raw: Eddie Tape #93 – Malls]

    Eddie Tape #93. Malls. Interviews with Pat Fox and Bob Peck.

  • [The 90’s raw: Eddie Tape – Jon Woronoff interview about Japanese culture]

    [The 90’s raw: Eddie Tape – Jon Woronoff interview about Japanese culture]

    Eddie Becker interviews Jon Woronoff about the difference between the concepts ‘tatumai’ (illusion) and ‘honei’ (truth) in Japan. He discusses the difficulty of getting through to the ‘honei’ of Japan’s culture.

  • A.J. at Carver #2

    A.J. at Carver #2

    This is a video containing the graduation of the 1995 class of the Carver Middle School as begun in a previous tape and an interview with A.J. Parker the keynote speaker at the graduation and a radio personality for 106.3 FM, a Chicago radio station.

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