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  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: First Lady debate & Perot event]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: First Lady debate & Perot event]

    Layoff of raw footage for The 90’s Election Specials. This tape features a taping of Beth Lapides’ comedy act about the first ladies and a rally for Ross Perot (1930-), including an appearance by his Vice Presidential running mate, Vice Admiral James Stockdale (1923-2005).

  • Media Burn by Ant Farm, 1975 edit

    Media Burn by Ant Farm, 1975 edit

    Original version of Ant Farm’s classic video art piece examining and satirizing the media, particularly the impact of television. On July 4, Independence Day, 1975, what a TV newscaster described as a “media circus” assembles at San Francisco’s Cow Palace Stadium. A pyramid of television sets are stacked, doused with kerosene, and set ablaze. Then a modified 1959 Cadillac El Dorado Biarritz, piloted by two drivers who are guided only by a video monitor between their bucket seats, smashes through the pyramid destroying the TV sets.

    Preceding the event are clips from various TV news broadcasts that covered it (many of the TV reporters make the comment that they “didn’t get it”). The tape includes interviews with invited guests, a speech given by Doug Hall as President John F. Kennedy explaining the message of Media Burn, the dramatic unveiling of the Phantom Dream Car, several sequences of the car smashing through the TV sets, and its triumphant return from the end of the Cow Palace parking lot.

  • Image Union, episode 0302

    Image Union, episode 0302

    Twp part Image Union episode featuring “30 Candles Burning” by Curtis Fisher and “Fistful of Death” by Motiaytis Van Pelt.

  • Image Union, episode 0304

    Image Union, episode 0304

    Two part Image Union episode featuring “King of the Z’s” by Stephen Winer and Karl Teidemann and “North Star Racers” by Cindy Neal.

  • Image Union, episode 0518

    Image Union, episode 0518

    Compilation episode from Image Union featuring the work of artists Drew Morey, John Cline, and Trudi Baldwin.

  • [Wired In raw #101: Lily Tomlin #1]

    [Wired In raw #101: Lily Tomlin #1]

    Raw footage for “Wired In,” a never completed series on the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s. Lily Tomlin does multiple takes of a spoof PSA about Pac-Man addiction.

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