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  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: CNN news footage of Bush and Buchanan]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: CNN news footage of Bush and Buchanan]

    Footage for The 90’s election specials. President H.W. Bush footage (including the vomiting incident in Japan) and footage of Pat Buchanan. From CNN.

  • Murder of Fred Hampton, reel 1

    Murder of Fred Hampton, reel 1

    Documentary about the death of Fred Hampton, chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party. The film started out as a simple portrait of Hampton and features lots of footage of his powerful speeches. However, in 1969, Hampton was murdered in his bed at the Panther headquarters by the Chicago police. The event was extremely controversial as the police and the Black Panthers told drastically different versions of the events. The film became instrumental in proving the Panthers’ story that the police broke in to headquarters without warning and killed Hampton without resistance.

  • [Watch It! pilot]

    A pilot broadcast for “Watch it!,” a show described as a “video scrapbook” to showcase interesting videos from “regular people.”

  • Image Union, episode 0627

    Image Union, episode 0627

    0:00 Slate, count-in. 0:13 Image Union opening. 0:57 WBBM-radio’s Diane Abt interviews Chicago Mayor Harold Washington in his Hyde Park home. The interview starts out discussing race and later moves on to create a portrait of Washington’s daily life. 19:22 “The Nixon Tape” by Elon Soltes. Documentary about people who are obsessed with succeeding in photographing the elusive Richard Nixon. 27:20 Image Union credits. 28:40 End of tape.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #28]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #28]

    Raw tape #28 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Vito at home #3. Continuation of interview from a different angle. The colors on the video look very strange until after eight minutes, when the camera person resets the white balance. In this lively tape, the Marzullos denounce the local news media and address the many accusations launched at the alderman.

  • Steel Mill Blues

    Steel Mill Blues

    In front of the U.S. Steel South Works in South Chicago, Studs Terkel talks to Alice Peurala about the troubles steel mill workers are facing and the negative impact of Reagan’s presidency on working people. Terkel likens the current situation at the mill to the situation during the Great Depression. Peurala stresses solidarity for the workers and predicts disaster for the country if workers are further and further disadvantaged by Reagan’s policies.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #14]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #14]

    Raw tape #14 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Color bars only for visual, but contains interesting audio of Marzullo commenting on the spoils system and patronage in his political dealings.

  • Gulf Crisis TV Project, part 4

    Gulf Crisis TV Project, part 4

    Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection. This tape focuses on conscientious objectors to the Gulf War, many of which are or used to be soldiers.

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