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  • Message to the Grass Roots: The L.A. Uprising: Before, During, and… Is It Over?

    Message to the Grass Roots: The L.A. Uprising: Before, During, and… Is It Over?

    A program composed of field commentary by Michael Zinzun interspersed with documentary footage shot by Raegan Kelly, Ray Rodgers, and a news program about the Rodney King incident. This was produced by Luca Celada and East West Productions.

  • Message to the Grass Roots: The Flying Souls

    Message to the Grass Roots: The Flying Souls

    An episode of Message to the Grass Roots, a cable access talk show produced & hosted by Michael Zinzun from 1988-1998 at Pasadena Community Access Corporation, which is now Pasadena Media (http://www.pasadenamedia.org). This program is devoted to the Compton based trapeze group, The Flying Souls.

  • The Late Late Show With Tom Snyder 7/14/97

    The Late Late Show With Tom Snyder 7/14/97

    Guests: Laurie Levenson, Malcolm McDowell, Carol Marin

  • [Elizabeth Brackett lecture]

    [Elizabeth Brackett lecture]

    A talk from Elizabeth Brackett detailing her career trajectory so far, and her research for her book on Rod Blagojevich.

  • Studs Terkel at Facets, 3/19/06

    Studs Terkel at Facets, 3/19/06

    Film critic Michael Wilmington interviews Studs Terkel at Facets Cinematheque in Chicago as part of a screening of John Ford’s 1940 “Grapes of Wrath,” an adaptation of John Steinbeck’s book of the same name.

  • [Mexican Art Gallery – Green Card lottery winner]

    [Mexican Art Gallery – Green Card lottery winner]

    This video shows a Mexican art gallery in Los Angeles which exhibits the works of a family of artists who live in Mexico City. Several generations of the Linares family continue the tradition of Pedro Linares, who created alebrijes, with are brightly colored Mexican folk art sculptures of fantastical creatures. Later in the video is a separate segment featuring a brief interview with an immigrant who was a winner of the green card lottery, who speaks mostly about her time in this country as an immigrant.

  • City Desk: A Look Back

    City Desk: A Look Back

    A look back at 40 years of City Desk, a political talk show on WMAQ-TV (a local NBC affiliate). As the tape is only a short retrospective, we see clips of many major Chicago figures but do not go in to much detail.

  • The AIDS Connection: Hour V

    The AIDS Connection: Hour V

    This tape is a broadcast from hour 5 of an historic live, all night, talk show that addressed various issues surrounding the AIDS crisis. It was a breakthrough for live TV via satellite as it had never been attempted to connect five locations via satellite, with live feeds to and from the CONUS/Hubbard Broadcasting studio in Minneapolis. No nationally televised long-form program about the AIDS epidemic had been on the air when this was produced. It was seen on more than 120 stations around the country and brought together top experts in the field in the early days of public awareness of AIDS.

    Each hour featured a panel of guests taking questions from the hosts, the studio audience members, and the audience members and panelists participating via satellite. This hour is split into two half-hour segments. The first segment focuses on the global AIDS crisis and AIDS outside of the U.S. The second segment focuses on AIDS and religion (mainly AIDS and Christianity). Each segment features a call-in survey related to the segment topic. Several public service announcements, usually featuring celebrities, were shown in each half hour.

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