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  • Message to the Grassroots: There’s a Message in that Rap!

    Message to the Grassroots: There’s a Message in that Rap!

    An episode of Message to the Grassroots, a cable access talk show produced & hosted by Michael Zinzun from 1988-1998 at Pasadena Community Access Corporation, which is now Pasadena Media.

  • [Teen Street Performance #F4]

    [Teen Street Performance #F4]

  • [Teen Street: Ron v.o.]

    [Teen Street: Ron v.o.]

    0:00 Ron Bieganski’s voice repeats a few explanatory phrases for the videographers. He explains that they will audition teenagers, take them on tour in Germany, and then talks about some of the techniques that will shape the project. Camera is static on a table. He continues to repeat sentences while the videographer gives him direction on his tone and voice.  15:01 Tape ends.

  • [Sandifer/ Shavon Dean]

    [Sandifer/ Shavon Dean]

    Segment on the one-year anniversary of the murder of Shavon Dean.

  • [Inner City Art]

    [Inner City Art]

    This video starts out with the videomaker Judith Binder going to a nail salon. She then visits Inner-City Art, an after-school type program for children going to school in the inner city. Following this she goes to Venice Beach and talks with a few homeless people and then tapes along the Boardwalk.

  • More Than A Game

    More Than A Game

    This is a mid-length documentary about playground basketball on the South and West sides of Chicago dealing specifically with the myths surrounding it, the culture it has created, and its effect on individuals. Notable NBA interviewees within the film are Glenn “Doc” Rivers and Eddie Johnson.

  • [Ephemeral Films : selected layoffs]

    [Ephemeral Films : selected layoffs]

    Instructional films from the 1940s and 50s. Some are merely humorously outdated, others are downright horrifying — particularly one that concludes that mechanized laundry machines are the best example of women’s liberation in this century. Most deal with dating. Old Chicago footage with streetcars in last segment.

  • Computer Kids #4

    Computer Kids #4

    The tape features raw footage from the television show “Wired In.” While the  program never actually came to fruition, the footage and demos put together are an interesting look into the the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s. In this video, we watch as children put computers to use at The Learning Circuit, a computer learning center in California.

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