[Harold Washington’s Funeral]
Footage of Chicago Mayor Harold Washington’s funeral and procession.
Samples of Bill Stamets’ political campaign footage. Includes “Primary Visibility,” footage of the 1992 New Hampshire primary shot for THE 90’s; a brief excerpt of “Iowa & Its Presidents,” about the 1988 Caucus; and another excerpt from “The Super-8 Chronicles of Harold Washington” (aka Chicago Politics: A Theatre of Power”). The latter two were as aired on Image Union.
Third and final tape of Stamets’ footage from the 1995 mayoral election. Includes press conference at challenger Roland Burris’s campaign headquarters, Mayor Richard M. Daley casting his vote, and Daley’s victory speech and inauguration.
Assorted footage of the 1995 Chicago mayoral campaign, including a candidate’s panel at the Chicago Urban League, a Marge Laurino campaign event, a press conference in Pilsen, and Mayor Richard M. Daley’s eulogy at Bishop Ford’s funeral.
Footage shot by Bill Stamets leading up to the 1995 mayoral election. In the first segment, Mayor Daley addresses the crowd at a ceremony and press conference in honor of the live “Pocahontas” show in Chicago. In the second, mayoral challengers Ray Wardingley, Roland Burris, and Lawrence Redmond participate in a panel hosted by the Chicago Urban League.
An interview with Richard J. Daley’s deputy mayor and corporation counsel, Ray Simon, who served the mayor’s office for sixteen years.